Commercial and Industrial Plumbing Experts

Josco Plumbing & Contracting are committed to offering reliable, high quality services to meet the needs of our residential and commercial customers.

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Our services


Full range of plumbing services for new homes, renovations, upgrades, repairs and maintenance by certified plumbers.

Commercial & Retail

New commercial and retail construction, including hospitals, schools, and office buildings.

Civil & Drainage

Water, sewer and stormwater mains for subdivisions and large allotments. Full range of equiptment

Fire Services

Hydrant and hose reel systems, pump sets, fire water holding tanks, design and install.


Large scale industrial piping including large bore poly-welding.


Take a look at what customers say about Josco Plumbing & Contracting

Contact us

46 Tenth Street, Mildura VIC, Australia

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